Okay so this is my first ever tag from the wonderful Mo over at Like A Fox.
5 things found in my bag:
1. My fancy smancy digital camera-His name is Bert. And he is somewhat tempermental.
2. My iPod.
3. About a million reciepts.
4. A gold headband from a night out.
5. My mobile phone.
5 things found in my purse ( I don't really have a purse and isnt a purse the same thing as a bag?)
1. A lot of change for the printing cards in Uni.
2. Red Lipstick.
3. My Tesco club card-gotta get them money off vouchers!Ha.
4. my house keys with a really random keyring of some garden centre's number.
5. random pieces of paper.
5 favourite things in my room:
1. My Marie-Antoinette style wardrobe,desk and matching chest of drawers..
2. All of my old art drawings.
3. My random collection of flyers, posteres, pictures and articles.
4. My hat box come shoe storage box.
5. My jewellery stand.
5 things ive always wanted to do:
1. Travel to Russia-to visit the Imperial Palaces.
2. Live in Paris.
3. Go Clubbing New York and L.A..
4. Have someone buy my art.
5. Play Guitar.
5 things im currently into:
1. Silhouettes.
2. Jane Austen.
3. Potato anything.
4. Playing Agatha Christie, 'Hercule Poirot,' games on my laptop.
5. M.I.A
the person who tagged me: the wonderful Mo from Like A Fox:
my 5 impressions of her:
1. She lives in Australia-Im extremely jealous, Ive always wanted to travel there!
2. She has great taste in Music. Namely Jim Hendrix. Enough Said.
3. Unique sense of fashion-very French inspired-who knows maybe she was French in a past life!4. She has the best black fedora that I seriously want!
5. She likes film noir!
I tag AC & CC over at All of the Above!
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Can anyone possibly tell me why when I post picture posts there is a long gap before the end of the post? Whenever I insert a picture into the post it inserts itself at the top of the post instead of the place I want it to be and then the post becomes really long with a large blank bit at the bottom!?
P.S. I couldn't resist posting this picture again! I love her facial expression!
Monday, 26 May 2008
Currently Chanelling: Charlotte Charles
Right back to the main agenda, albeit my rant post below. I am absolutely IN LOVE with Pushing Daisies. There may be only 9 episodes made due to the writers strike but I do not care-I cannot wait for the second season to begin! I love the whole quirky vintage-esque feel to the sets, costumes, clothes and the characters themselves. I particularly ADORE Charlotte Charles aka Chuck's wardrobe. Chuck is portrayed by english actress Anna Friel, whose style Ive always somewhat admired. Her style within Pushing Daisies is AMAZING. Totally Vintage and kooky and quirky and something I wish to incorporate into my wardrobe.

The headscarf and yellow peacoat stand out in this dark background. You could possibly wear something similar to this during the dreary months of Winter to brighten your spirits. Im not to sure about the head scarf but the neckline of her dress is flattering without being to risque.
Click to Enlarge
1st dress-miss.selfridge.com
2nd dress-anedoti.com
coat- net-a-porter.com
platform mary-janes- amiclubwear.com
chanel bag- bagborrowsteal.com
head scarf- forzieri.com

What I can get from this screenshot is that her dress is a flowery dress and a full skirted one. Im not to sure what her shoes are like but I don't think they really go with this dress!
Click to enlarge.
Here is some screenshots of her outfits. These were very hard to come across and I owe credit to screenshots from this site http://www.flickr.com/photos/sarawwr/.
First Outift:
How fabulous is her lampshade hat and sunglasses? She looks like a 1950s housewife on a mission to do evil! I LOVE that red ress that she is wearing. It might be hard to incoporate that hat into fashion in this day in age but the dress is timeless.
Interpreting her style on Polyvore.com
Click to Enlarge.
1st red dress- unique-vintage.com ,
1st red dress- unique-vintage.com ,
2nd red dress- poshgirlvintage.com ,
3rd red dress- vintageous.com
Hats- all redhatsandmore.com
earings- laganantiques.com ,
bag- plaid pony vintage,
earings- laganantiques.com ,
bag- plaid pony vintage,
sunglasses-designerexposure.com ,
Second Outfit:
The screenshots are not exactly the best for this yellow outfit. And I cannot see what type of dress she is wearing under her trench coat. Although, her headscarf is on trend this coming season and reminds me of my grandmother wearing them when I was younger!
The headscarf and yellow peacoat stand out in this dark background. You could possibly wear something similar to this during the dreary months of Winter to brighten your spirits. Im not to sure about the head scarf but the neckline of her dress is flattering without being to risque.
1st dress-miss.selfridge.com
2nd dress-anedoti.com
coat- net-a-porter.com
platform mary-janes- amiclubwear.com
chanel bag- bagborrowsteal.com
head scarf- forzieri.com
I love this yellow dress from Topshop!Im seriously considering buying this.It would be a big step pour moi as I have nothing yellow in my wardrobe. But looking at the polyvore.com picture up there im seriously tempted. Im thinking of wearing white tights with the black mary-janes and the dress. Id love the Chanel bag but cant afford such luxuries!
3rd Outfit:
This is a somewhat more casual outfit, something simple to wear if you don't want to get as dressed up as the previous outfits. The dress and the crocheted cardigan can become staples of any wardrobe. You could wear them out on a night out if you dont want to go overboard, shopping or even for tea with you grandma. Its a somewhat little girl grown up outfit-but I love it! Also in some of the screenshots her dress is peach and then orange. But in my polyvore.com outfit I just used the latter as in a peach dress.

1st dress-shop.adorevintage.com
2nd dress-mywardrobe.com
1st cardigan- Sonia Rykiel @ brownfashion.com
2nd cardigan- amazon.com
1st shoes- topshop.com
2nd shoes-zappos.com
1st bag-vivre.com
2nd bag-target.com
2nd dress-mywardrobe.com
1st cardigan- Sonia Rykiel @ brownfashion.com
2nd cardigan- amazon.com
1st shoes- topshop.com
2nd shoes-zappos.com
1st bag-vivre.com
2nd bag-target.com
I like the second dress to the first one. It is probably becuase I love anything with bows and a full skirt on it! The cardigans are something I personally would not wear but they could be teamed with these dresses. I added yellow accesories as to brighten up the outfit and bring a bit of modern punch to it. I love the yellow wooden heeled sandals which I would wear with the second dress.And the little butterfly dress is just divine!
Fourth Outfit:
I only have one screenshot of this dress and the lighting is terrible in this shot, so I have had to interpret the polyvore outfit accordingly.
What I can get from this screenshot is that her dress is a flowery dress and a full skirted one. Im not to sure what her shoes are like but I don't think they really go with this dress!
I don't think I would wear the dress as I am not to fond of the whole floral print going on this season. I do like the shoes though, but would prefer them in Black as I need a decent pair of black shoes for work. The stockings are wonderful and they have become a staple of my summer wardrobe.
Charlotte Charles,
Lampshade Hat.,
Pushing Daisies,
Saturday, 24 May 2008
New Pur-Chases
So I got paid last Friday and was overcome with glee with the amount I got paid! All those long hours and horrible customers paid off. I could finally contemplate to get things I had been practically drooling over for a month. Most of these things were on a list that I had made after looking at F/W 08/09 RTW shows. On this included Orange or Red tights a la Luella, Flouncy Victorian-esque flouncy shirts, long grey and black cardigans a la Chanel and black velvet coats and ethnic prints a la Anna Sui. But I ended up just getting a few accesories more than anything and a couple of pair of tights from Primark. Though I did go back to Primark on Wedensday really really early ((this was the day I went with my friend.)) And I picked up a few items that are on trend now. Though I do think these can be adapted into F/W 08/09 trends.

Now this is my faveourite bargain fromt the Topshop sale!! I love anything to do with birdcages and have the birdcage necklace that Topshop had for sale last Summer. I think this one is unusual though as the bird is not in the cage it has escaped and is flying free.
And about the name of this post sometimes I like to say 'pur-chases' instead of 'purchases.' Its sort of a pun on to 'chase' for something as in you are on a chase to get the perfect item before anyone else!
First Item:
This is a Navy not black ((the lighting is really bad in my room)) jump suit from Primark. £8.00 and a size ten.Also available in Red, White and I think Black. I must admit that I did just buy it for the Nautical belt and I never really liked the whole trend of jumpsuits to be honest. But I could not resist this one becuase as a good friend who accompanied me on the trip to Primark mentioned you could dress it up or down for day or night wear. The material is not the best quality, but one expects this from Primark. And I will have to pin and sow the backs and sides of this as it is a little bit too big with me. Overall I am happy with this purchase.
Second Item:
This was £6.00 again Primark. Size 12 available in a Red checkered version. Im not a size twelve BUT I bought it this big becuase I like a bigger fit in shirts. I also bought the bigger size becuase during the summer I will be going out a lot and I want to wear this with just shorts, tights and platform stillettos a la Mary Kate. A little bit slutty maybe but I do love that trashy bag lady look!
Third Item:
This is one of four items I bought from the Topshop in Belfast's accesory sale. I bought it becuase flowers and corsages seem to be the items du jour and of the coming season. I don't know if I would wear this in my hair as I might feel a bit paranoid but Ive being adapting to the sens of being 'fun and fearless' with fashion. So who knows I might wear this in my hair! It was £2.00 reduced from either £8.00 and £10.00.
Fourth Item:
This again was £2.00. I had been wanting to get this for some time but did not want to part with £8.00. I confess the only reason I really bought this is becuase it reminds me of the straps for Chanel's lambskin quilted bags! I could wear this as a necklace or in my hair as a headband.
Fifth Item:
Finally a good picture with my expensive camera! lol I love love love this bracelet it was again £2.00 and what a bargain! It can go with everything. Im gonna have to take good care of it becuase it is already chipped!
Sixth Item:
Now this is my faveourite bargain fromt the Topshop sale!! I love anything to do with birdcages and have the birdcage necklace that Topshop had for sale last Summer. I think this one is unusual though as the bird is not in the cage it has escaped and is flying free.
Over all I am extemely pleased with my purchases albeit the somewhat to big jump suit from Primark. I think I could adapt the jumpsuit to look somewhat stylish. I can take the belt of and use it as a scarf or leave it on. If I was to take of the scarf I would wear that cream top that Im wearing in my outfit post below with my long black grungey caridgan, black tights, boots and some mad mix of Jewellery. I would possibly curl my hair and style it in a 1940's style. Looking like im from the War is something that I have become quite good at!
If I was wearing it with the scarf, I would wear over the knee socks or tights and my high Irregular Choice shoes *I will have to post a picture of them-I love them so much!* and my anchor brooch on a necklace. I would so love to wear a white sailor hat but I was to wear that out people would think I would be on a themed night out! Bad times!
A La Chanel
So I have not updated this for a number of days but this is becuase of a number of reasons. Mainly due to the fact that I was working and having to travelling up to Belfast to sort out a flat for next year for University. And I am officially broke becuase I had to pay a substantial deposit for the flat for rent for the first two months. But that didnt stop me looking stylish and fashionable for looking around the flats. I also took a friend of mine into Urban Outfitters at the new Victoria Square and I don't think he appreciated clothes shopping. And we went to Primark and he didnt like anything in the shop but thats just the way men are. We went in at a really hectic time and all the chavtastic chavs from Belfast were picking round what was left from the new deliveries! So here is what I wore for walking around Belfast and looking for houses:

*Sorry for the shakey camera picture!*
Some more close up images of my outfit. The necklace I wore with this outfit was really cheap and one of the mirrored gems came off but I did think it looked like the necklace on this model who walked for the Chanel show. I also tied a Blue Ribbon around my neck as Bows and Ribbons are key pieces for accesories this coming season.
This is influenced by this look from Chanel's Ready-To-Wear F/W 08/09.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Thou Shalt Not Covet
So I checked out New Looks recently refurbished website and I have to say I was somewhat impressed. They're previous website was dreadful and this is a vast improvement. You can order things online and preview them before hand if you want to buy them in store. Although, the site is still quite chavvy which is how I feel about New Look in general. Though they do have some nice accessories and shoes-the shoes!! New Look has always had a good selection of shoes that are good quality and a good price. Recently I have been wanting these:

Theyre £22 pounds which is not bad and I have been wanting a good pair of ankle boots to go with skinny jeans and for wearing with tights and dresses in the winter. There is some other lovely boots including these Victoriana inspired ones:

I adore anything Victorian and am seriously considering buying these AND the other boots. Oh how my pay from Tesco's goes within the first week and I am broke by the end of the month. I was also thinking of perhaps buying 'Spats,' you know those white leather or canvas things that women used to wear over their boots to protect them from the mud in the Victorian times? Well those and I found these on e-bay:
Note: Seen these in New Look in Belfast and well theyre not that great a quality. Though saying that, I do still quite like them!

These are stated as extra large but I think they would need to be larger to go over the boots and to possibly cover the buttons already on the boots. I do think that I shall buy these and try them out and If I don't like them I shall send them back. If it does work out these boots would be perfect with short dresses and tights as I think longer dresses woudl look to much like I am re-creating the Victorian look. I need outfits with a bit more edge
I also have quite the penchant for all things Nautical-no matter how tacky they seem to be! And I saw these on the New Look website. I dont know which colour to buy though as I love both of them.
I also seen these quite lovely over the knee socks which I might be tempted to buy. I have them in black and I LOVE THEM. They remind of Marie-Antoinette stockings.

Mmm.....And I am supposed to be saving for going to London in July!!
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Introducing the one and only Miss.Russe
Alright Now Here We Go....
Okay so this is my first ever post on this blog and frankly I don't know what you're supposed to say in an introductory post on a blog!!Maybe I should perhaps first outline WHY exactly I have started to have a blog or something along those lines?That sounds about right to me, so lets begin.
As stated in the title of this blog, I am an art student in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Yes, that's right the place that for some thirty years had some of the bloodiest fighting between religions in modern history. Many people died on both sides of the fence but we are now ((hopefully)) long past this and have reverted to talking peacefully to resolve problems. So with this I have decided to start a blog about my life in Belfast ((and back home in the small town I live in, tho I shall be moving to Belfast this coming year)) and love of fashion,art,music,history etc. So lets begin with the name....
'Get Thee to a Catwalk,' is quite self explanatory if you know Shakespeare at all. As it taken from , 'Get Thee to A Nunnery.' And the URL name is Miss.Bonnie Butler, Rhett and Scarlet's daughter in , Gone With the Wind. Which so happens to be my most favourite movie of all time EVER. And now for more about me and the weather....
What is with the user name?
'Russe' is the French word for Russia and I have unnatural obssession with the country. Mainly Imperial Russia from 1894-1917, as communist Russia makes my blood boil. You could say I am somewhat of Russian Monarchist and you would be quite right. My art work is also based on Czar Nikolas the 2nd's third eldest daughter, Maria Romanova. She also happens to be one of my idols. Femme Fatale is quite explanatory, I think. I use French words for English ones as I also adore France and everything French. I am happier speaking French than English and the very thought of Paris makes my knees go weak.
So Who are you exactly?
Well I'm an artist, photographer, fashion lover, historian, friend,an eccentric and somewhat random person. I won't reveal my real name here as I dont want to as I like the idea of having another persona. I am coming 21 in June though and I am quite shy but loud and weird around my friends. I am somewhat in love with a certain type of biscuit from Marks and Spencers. This biscuit has become so much a faveourite between me and my friends that we bring them on nights out and dream about them. You can think what you want and try to decipher who I am from the photos on this blog.
So what do you say you're style is like?
Well I think its a mix of A LOT of different things. Mainly vintage inspired, especially 1940s inspired-with a touch of Grunge, Kinderwhore and dark gothic tones. I LOVE Vintage clothing and for some reason no matter what way I dress I do somehow manage to look like I am from the Edwardian,Victorian, 1920s-1950s era and French. Though I do not complain. I also LOVE Chanel with no bounds. I do not use any other mascara,eyeliner,lipstick or nail varnish than that of Chanel. Foundation to. I would do anything for a Red quilted 2.55 Chanel bag.
Who are you style icons/Idols in general?
My style icons are definetly Mary-Kate Olsen ((Her whole grunge-yet-luxe look is amazing)), Karl Lagerfield, The L..A. Party Scene on the Cobrasnake, Axl Rose, Courtney Love circa Kinderhwore era,Katy Perry, Girls from Facehunter, Old Hollywood actresses, The French Resistance. I also idolise Anne Frank, Miep Gies, The Grand Duchess Maria Romanova of Russia, Jean Harlow, Vivien Leigh, Katherine Hepburn.
Okay so this is my first ever post on this blog and frankly I don't know what you're supposed to say in an introductory post on a blog!!Maybe I should perhaps first outline WHY exactly I have started to have a blog or something along those lines?That sounds about right to me, so lets begin.
As stated in the title of this blog, I am an art student in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Yes, that's right the place that for some thirty years had some of the bloodiest fighting between religions in modern history. Many people died on both sides of the fence but we are now ((hopefully)) long past this and have reverted to talking peacefully to resolve problems. So with this I have decided to start a blog about my life in Belfast ((and back home in the small town I live in, tho I shall be moving to Belfast this coming year)) and love of fashion,art,music,history etc. So lets begin with the name....
'Get Thee to a Catwalk,' is quite self explanatory if you know Shakespeare at all. As it taken from , 'Get Thee to A Nunnery.' And the URL name is Miss.Bonnie Butler, Rhett and Scarlet's daughter in , Gone With the Wind. Which so happens to be my most favourite movie of all time EVER. And now for more about me and the weather....
What is with the user name?
'Russe' is the French word for Russia and I have unnatural obssession with the country. Mainly Imperial Russia from 1894-1917, as communist Russia makes my blood boil. You could say I am somewhat of Russian Monarchist and you would be quite right. My art work is also based on Czar Nikolas the 2nd's third eldest daughter, Maria Romanova. She also happens to be one of my idols. Femme Fatale is quite explanatory, I think. I use French words for English ones as I also adore France and everything French. I am happier speaking French than English and the very thought of Paris makes my knees go weak.
So Who are you exactly?
Well I'm an artist, photographer, fashion lover, historian, friend,an eccentric and somewhat random person. I won't reveal my real name here as I dont want to as I like the idea of having another persona. I am coming 21 in June though and I am quite shy but loud and weird around my friends. I am somewhat in love with a certain type of biscuit from Marks and Spencers. This biscuit has become so much a faveourite between me and my friends that we bring them on nights out and dream about them. You can think what you want and try to decipher who I am from the photos on this blog.
So what do you say you're style is like?
Well I think its a mix of A LOT of different things. Mainly vintage inspired, especially 1940s inspired-with a touch of Grunge, Kinderwhore and dark gothic tones. I LOVE Vintage clothing and for some reason no matter what way I dress I do somehow manage to look like I am from the Edwardian,Victorian, 1920s-1950s era and French. Though I do not complain. I also LOVE Chanel with no bounds. I do not use any other mascara,eyeliner,lipstick or nail varnish than that of Chanel. Foundation to. I would do anything for a Red quilted 2.55 Chanel bag.
Who are you style icons/Idols in general?
My style icons are definetly Mary-Kate Olsen ((Her whole grunge-yet-luxe look is amazing)), Karl Lagerfield, The L..A. Party Scene on the Cobrasnake, Axl Rose, Courtney Love circa Kinderhwore era,Katy Perry, Girls from Facehunter, Old Hollywood actresses, The French Resistance. I also idolise Anne Frank, Miep Gies, The Grand Duchess Maria Romanova of Russia, Jean Harlow, Vivien Leigh, Katherine Hepburn.
So what exactly are you wearing....
L'équipement quotidien

or 'The Daily Outfit.'
Okay,darlings so here is my outfit for the day. It is somewhat inspired by Betsey Johnson Pret-a-Porter F/W 08.
All pictures of Betsey Johnson's recent catwalk show courtesy of Vogue.com

Both of these equals =

So erm basically this photo is NOT the best quality.....and taking
pictures in this mirror seems to make me wider than I actually am! Damn stripes, damn them!
Hat=Vintage From Paris
Top=Size 14 top from Primark ((students paradise, though you need to customise to stand out from the crowd))
Leggings= They're actually sparkly, Warehouse.
Necklace= Russian Orthodox Ikon.
Quote of the day:
It's not too much, is it?
Leonard ((the hairdresser)): Oh, no!
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