Theyre £22 pounds which is not bad and I have been wanting a good pair of ankle boots to go with skinny jeans and for wearing with tights and dresses in the winter. There is some other lovely boots including these Victoriana inspired ones:

I adore anything Victorian and am seriously considering buying these AND the other boots. Oh how my pay from Tesco's goes within the first week and I am broke by the end of the month. I was also thinking of perhaps buying 'Spats,' you know those white leather or canvas things that women used to wear over their boots to protect them from the mud in the Victorian times? Well those and I found these on e-bay:
Note: Seen these in New Look in Belfast and well theyre not that great a quality. Though saying that, I do still quite like them!

These are stated as extra large but I think they would need to be larger to go over the boots and to possibly cover the buttons already on the boots. I do think that I shall buy these and try them out and If I don't like them I shall send them back. If it does work out these boots would be perfect with short dresses and tights as I think longer dresses woudl look to much like I am re-creating the Victorian look. I need outfits with a bit more edge
I also have quite the penchant for all things Nautical-no matter how tacky they seem to be! And I saw these on the New Look website. I dont know which colour to buy though as I love both of them.
I also seen these quite lovely over the knee socks which I might be tempted to buy. I have them in black and I LOVE THEM. They remind of Marie-Antoinette stockings.

Mmm.....And I am supposed to be saving for going to London in July!!
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