Sunday, 29 June 2008

Things Need To Change

Read this blog:

Things need to change drastically in this country for the good of its people.It is simply not a case of 'Old Colonial' putting their nose in to other peoples business.Its the case of getting rid of a bloody tryant who starves his people and threatens them with violence. The governement needs to be taken away right away with military action if need be.I would support this.The government should also be circumspect to a sort of Nuremburg trial for their disuse of Human Rights. I recognise that this is a fashion blog, not a political one, but I feel very strongly on this issue and wish to address it to other people.



Kim said...

where have you gone? you have disappeared!

Fashion Addict said...

Interesting blog, wanna link up?

Audrey Leighton said...


My name is Audrey Rogers. I am style editor for The Durham Sanctuary University Newpaper, I also am a contributor for and have my own blog: I just wanted to say, that I LOVE your blog, its content is truly inspirational and I love the way you present fashion to your blogger audience. Yours has, I must admit, become a must-read for me. Anyway, I was wondering, would you like to exchange links? Personally I would love to reccommend your blog to my readers and would really appreciate it if you did the same for me. So let me know, check me out on, for some delicious fashion ramblings and digressions!

xxxx audrey leighton rogers